The highlights of her life

Her relationship with Thakur and Ma

Some aspects of her personality
More details of her life story



This life-story has been excerpted from the book 'They Lived With God' by Swami Chetanananda, published by the Vedanta Society of St. Lois. To read the entire studied life, and lives of 27 other intimate disciples, please read this book. (Swami Chetananda has also published a book on all 16 the Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna 'God Lived With Them')

Her relationship with Thakur and Ma


In her own words: "Gradually I began to feel an attraction for the Master. Just the thought of visiting him would make my mind dance with joy. On the day that I planned to go there I would get up early and finish my household duties as quickly as possible. My longing to see him knew no bounds. After arriving at his room I would forget everything, sitting in his presence. The Master used to experience samadhi off and on, and at that time we would look at his face with wonder. He was so compassionate! Whenever I brought him some ordinary preparations he would relish them like a young boy saying joyfully, 'Very tasty! Delicious!' and always at the time of our departure he would say 'Come back again'"

When I returned home after my visit with the Master, I would spend the whole week in an intoxicated mood. This established a strong relationship. I cannot express the joy I felt. Even while I was engaged in cooking or other household activities, my mind was with the Master. After some days, when I would feel my intoxication diminishing, my mind would again long to see him

2. When Sri Ramakrishna heard that she had been initiated into a Devi Mantram he told her to continue repeating it and said 'Look, your Chosen Deity is in this place [pointing to his body]. If you think of me, that will bring recollectedness of your Chosen Deity."
3. Yogin-ma described her relation with Holy Mother at Dakshineswar: "Whenever I went there Holy Mother would take me into her conficence, tell me her secrets and seek my counsel. I used to visit Dakshineswar every seven or eight days, sometimes spending the night there. Then Holy Mother would not let me sleep anywhere else, but would ask me to sleep in her room at the nahabat."
4. Whenever Yogin-ma came to Dakshineswar she would serve the Master and the Holy Mother. Holy Mother was so fond of the way that Yogin-ma braided her hair that she would wait for Yogin-ma to come agian so that she could rebraid it.
